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Ian Dalgarno

Ian  Dalgarno

- 03/05/2024

Former DPCC

Ian Dalgarno

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner

Ian Dalgarno is an experienced strategic leader and former local politician (CBC Conservative Ward Cllr Arlesey)with commercial experience of managing multimillion pound businesses across the country.

Ian is also the former Chair of Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Panel and in November 2022 he was appointed Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire. Ian has brought a wealth of experience of governance, scrutiny, financial management, and oversight of public services into the OPCC and supports the PCC with holding the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of policing in Bedfordshire.

Ian leads on a number of areas including Rural Crime, Sustainability, Estates Strategy and liaison with town and parish councils as well as the Community Safety Partnerships on behalf of the OPCC.

Ian is married to Patricia, and they have two grown up children. Along with their two Westie terriers, Ian and Patricia live in Arlesey, Bedfordshire.

The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioners’ confirmation hearing was held on the 3rd November 2022. 

Links relevant to:


Police and Crime Panel links –

Letter to PCC approval for appointment of DPCC 3 Nov 2022 ( 

Luton Community Watch

Lewsey Community Centre.

Landrace Road,




United Kingdom



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Any personal views expressed in articles are not necessarily the views of Luton Community Watch 

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