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Useful contacts for advice about fraud and cyber crime

If you’d prefer not to speak to the police or would like more specific advice, the charities, groups and organisations below can also provide information and support.

Action Fraud Members for the public - 0300 123 2040 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm) Businesses, charity or other organisations suffering a live cyber-attack - 0300 123 2040 (Available 24/7) Action on Elder Abuse (AEA) AEA are a national charity working to protect and prevent the abuse of vulnerable older adults. 0808 808 8141 Alzheimer's Society A national charity providing advice and support for people affected by dementia. 0300 222 1122 Age UK Provides companionship, advice and support for millions of older adults. 0800 169 6565 Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) The largest travel trade association in the UK with over 1,200 members. All ABTA members must follow a strict code of conduct or face a fine or having the membership rescinded. 020 3117 5599 Citizens Advice Free, independent and confidential advice to help you solve legal, money and other problems. 0345 404 0506 Cyber Aware Cyber Aware provides cyber security advice for small business and individuals. Federation of Small Businesses The Federation of Small Businesses offers its members a wide range of vital business services, aiming to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Find and choose a financial adviser, or confirm whether your adviser is authorised. 0845 606 1234 Get Safe Online Get Safe Online is the UK’s most popular source of easy-to-understand information about online safety. Information Commissioners Office The role of the Information Commissioners Office is to uphold information rights in the public interest. National Crime Agency The National Crime Agency (NCA) leads UK law enforcement’s fight to cut serious and organised crime. National Cyber Security Centre The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is a part of GCHQ and is the UK’s lead authority on cyber security. No More Ransom The No More Ransom site aims to help victims of ransomware get back their encrypted data without having to pay the criminals. Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) The OPG is responsible for protecting people who no longer have the capacity to make certain decisions for themselves. 0300 456 0300 Online Dating Association (ODA) Dating services with ODA membership abide by a strict code of standards or risk having their membership rescinded. Royal Mail Scam Mail Helpline Support and advice if you’ve received items by post that you believe to be fraudulent. 0800 011 3466 The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) An independent charity working with adults, families and children’s social care and social work services across the UK to share knowledge about what works. 020 7024 7650 Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers (STAR) A leading, self-regulatory body for the entertainment ticketing industry in the UK, offering advice, information and dispute resolution services. 019 0423 4737 The Mailing Preference Service (MPS) A free service supported by Royal Mail enabling UK customers to remove their name and home address from mailing lists used by the industry. 020 7291 3300 The Silver Line Free, 24-hour, confidential helpline providing friendship, information and advice to older people. 0800 470 8090 The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) Free service for recording your preference not to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. 0800 398 893 Get help or report a scam If you think you’ve uncovered a scam, have been targeted by a scam or fallen victim to fraudsters, find out how to report fraud here. Reporting crime, including fraud, is important. If you don’t tell the authorities, how do they know it has happened and how can they do anything about it? Remember, if you're a victim of a scam or an attempted scam, however minor, there may be hundreds or thousands of others in a similar position. Your information may form part of one big jigsaw and may be vital to completing the picture.

Luton Community Watch

Lewsey Community Centre.

Landrace Road,




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