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Our Dog Watch scheme encourages dog owners and walkers to be the extra eyes and ears within the community.

You have the opportunity to spot anything out of place or suspicious while walking the dog – and report it to us.

This includes:

  • suspicious activity or vehicles

  • graffiti and vandalism

  • nuisance vehicles and speeding

  • antisocial behaviour

  • fly-tipping

  • dog fouling

  • hare-coursing

  • dog-related incidents

  • abandoned vehicles

  • provide ongoing support, induction and training, as well as a high viz jacket, attack alarm, torch and notebook. 

Lost and found dogs

Dog Watch members can also take part in helping to find lost dogs and reunite owners with found dogs. We work with DogLost, the lost and found dog service, which has reunited thousands of missing dogs with their owners.

Join Dog Watch

To ask about joining Dog Watch, please email us.

Please note: volunteers are vetted.

Dog Watch

Luton Community Watch

Lewsey Community Centre.

Landrace Road,




United Kingdom



  • Facebook


Any personal views expressed in articles are not necessarily the views of Luton Community Watch 

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