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31st May 2024


1. Aim / Reason for Our Organisation:

1.1 The practise of crime prevention and community problem solving can be significantly more effective if it is a co-operative effort between all members of the community. It is not just a matter for the Police and Local Authority, although their expertise, support and information is necessary to promote initiatives in crime prevention and community safety.

2. Purpose/ Mission Statement:

2.1 To create an environment in which the people of Luton can live without the disproportionate fear of crime and anti-social behaviour through the promotion of an awareness of the potential benefits of crime prevention and community working. The main purpose of the organisation is to work towards improving the quality of life together by promoting communication links between residents, statutory bodies and other organisations, in order to reduce crime.

3. Objectives:

3.1 To develop and maintain the active co-operation of all sections of the community, regardless of: faith; sexuality; gender, age and disability, in reducing criminal activity and anti-social behaviour.


3.2 To develop good working relationships, co-operation and partnerships between our organisation, the Police, Local Authority and other organisations.


3.3 To work towards meeting the targets as laid down in the 3-year Community Safety Strategy of Luton Borough Council.


3.4 To manage the effectiveness of Luton Watch activities and, in particular, the communication process and the appropriateness of its structure including membership.


3.5 To develop and review a marketing strategy that will raise awareness of our organisation within the Police, Local Authority and other organisations, in all aspects of crime prevention and community safety.


3.6 Any other objectives which the organisation Steering Group may, from time to time, consider appropriate, bearing in mind the stated Purpose.


4. Membership:

4.1 All residents of homes in our organisation's area may be invited to become members.


4.2 The Steering Group of our organisation may require any member to resign if that person is found to be acting against the aims, purposes or procedures, of our organisation.


5. Steering Group:

5.1 The Steering Group shall consist of:


                   Chairperson (Exec)

                   Vice Chairperson (Exec)

                   A maximum of three co-ordinators, from each of the three policing areas of Luton, as

                   members' representatives: this is a 'preferred' content only and inclusive of the

                   executive positions.

                   Secretary (Exec) (This position may be as a Recorder of Meetings).

                   Treasurer (Exec)

                   Any representative of Partner Organisations as agreed by vote (Assc)


5.2 The post of Chairperson and Vice-chairperson shall be filled by persons who must have served a minimum of six months on the Steering Group.


5.3 If any Steering Group member is found to meet the conditions of paragraph 4.2, above, or receives a duly proposed and seconded vote of no confidence, he or she shall be required to resign from the organisation Steering Group.


6. Conduct of Business.

N.B. This section is to be read together with separate instructions “Procedures for Steering Group Meetings”. Where a common item is mentioned in both documents, Procedures for Steering Group Meetings shall take precedence.


6.1 The Steering Group shall decide the venue, frequency, timing and content of meetings.


6.2 Sub-groups may be formed to consider specific issues. These Sub-groups may co-opt other persons, in addition to Steering group members to give specific advice.


6.3 A quorum of the Steering Group shall consist of: The Chairperson or Vice-chairperson plus 50% of the remaining members of the Steering Group: associate members cannot be included.


N.B. In the case where neither the Chair nor Vice-chair is available, but the number of members present would still meet the requisite majority, then a Temporary Chairperson may be duly proposed, seconded and elected by those present to carry on non-executive business.


6.4 Any usage of our organisations funds shall require the agreement of the Steering



6.5 Members of Sub-groups will have the authority, through the Treasurer, to spend allocated funds on the Projects with which they have been charged by the Steering Group.


6.6 One meeting per year will be the Annual General Meeting at which all coordinators shall have voting rights. All Coordinators will be advised of the date, time and venue.


6.7 A quorum of the Steering Group, as detailed in Paragraph 6.3 above may, on giving fourteen days’ notice, call an Extraordinary General Meeting.


6.8 A quorum of the Steering Group, for the Extraordinary General Meeting, shall be as detailed in paragraph 6.3 above.


6.9 Any resolutions proposed to any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall require a proposer and seconder of co-ordinator status, as a minimum.


7. Secretariat:

7.1 Minutes of all Steering Group meetings shall be recorded and circulated to all members, a minimum of 7 days fol1owing the meeting.


7.2 Items for the Agenda should be forwarded to the Secretary and agreed upon by the Chairperson at least ten days before a scheduled meeting and published before each meeting. Any item refused by the Chair shall be subject to the explanation at the appropriate meeting and can be re-proposed and included, subject to a duly proposed and seconded vote of the meeting.


8. Finance:

8.1 Outside bodies may sponsor particular activities or projects that are agreed upon by the Steering Group.


8.2 All funds will be held in the organisations account in Metro Bank.


8.3 The end of the Financial Year shall be 31st March and the accounts of our organisation shall be subject to an annual audit by a qualified independent person.


8.4 The Treasurer will produce audited accounts at the Annual General Meeting.


8.5 Should the Steering Group be dissolved or disbanded, then any remaining funds shall be used for Crime Prevention Activities in a manner to be decided by the Steering Group or, in their absence, the Divisional Commander of Luton Police.


9. Amendments to this Constitution:

9.1 This Constitution may be amended at the Annual General Meeting by a majority vote of duly seconded proposals.


9.2 Such amendments shall be accepted by a vote of at least two-thirds of those members present.


9.3 Any amended Constitution can be implemented following a vote by the full Steering Group but must then be ratified by the membership as required in paragraph 9.2.


Date: 31/05/2024


Signature: _________________________________________________




Chairperson Luton Community Watch

Procedure for Steering Group Meetings

The following procedures are to ensure the continuity and smooth running of all future organisation Watch Steering Group meetings. They will also assist any new members joining the group to have a clear understanding of how the steering group functions.

The Steering Group is responsible for all actions and decisions are taken on behalf of the organisation and meetings are an important part of the process. The minutes are the official record of all actions taken by the organisation Watch Steering Group on behalf of the organisation.


Procedures for meetings:

Some items are required to be dealt with at each meeting, these are essential and must be recorded. These include: -


1. Persons Present.

1. 1 All those present must be recorded to ensure that a quorum is achieved. A quorum shall consist of the Chairperson or Vice-chairperson plus half of the remaining members of the Steering Group.


1. 2 Associate members cannot be included in a Quorum, however, in the absence of the chairperson or Vice-chairperson, an acting Chair may be elected if duly proposed and seconded, to carry out non-executive business.


1.3 The meeting will start on time on the condition that a quorum is present. The start may be delayed at the discretion of the Chair.


2. Apologies.

2.1. Any person "who cannot attend should make every effort to contact the Chair, or Vice-Chair to inform them that they will be absent.


3. Minutes of Previous Meeting


3.1 These have to be agreed upon as an accurate record of the previous meeting Any changes must be Recorded.


4. · Actions from Previous Meeting.

4.1 A short report of any actions that were set at 1he previous meeting must be given. If my item is to be discussed later during the meeting, as an agenda item this must be recorded.

5. Treasurers Report.

5.1 A report must be given at each meeting on the financial position of the organisation; even if there have been no transactions between meetings.


5.2 This report should also include any monies that have been dispersed, any expenses claims expected before the next meeting, any funding applied for and any funds that have been "ring fenced" for projects.

6. Agenda Items

6.1 All decisions and/or actions must be recorded in the minutes. To this end all items that require inclusion must be forwarded to the Secretary as soon as possible along with a short explanation why the item has been submitted. This will be sent out wi1h the mimJle5/agenda, to ensure that all member of the Steering Group is aware, before the meeting and may be able to contact the member who submitted the item for further information.

6.2 The order of agenda items will be set by the Chair and Secretary. All items will be prioritised to ensure the smooth running of the organisation.

6.3 Any item on the agenda may be given a time limit by the Chair. This will allow more items to be to be covered if necessary.

6.4 Agreement of all items discussed must be reached where it is essential. This will be by a vote. Each decision will be carried by the majority.

7. Any Other Business

7.1 Any Steering Group member wishing to raise an item under A.O.B. should inform the Chair and/or Secretary of this filet before the start of the meeting. This will assist the Chair with the smooth running of the meeting by ensuring time is allowed at the end for the item/s to be discussed

7.2 Items missed under AOB should only cover urgent information/actions that have occurred after the agenda has been sent and need attention before the next meeting. The Chair will maintain a veto and the reason for its use on any items raised under AOB, if it is used.

8. Date Time and Location of Next Meeting.

8.1 Details of the next meeting must be set at the end of each meeting ensuring as many members of the Steering Group are available to attend and the maximum number are available or a quorum is reached. Final decision will rest with the Chair.

9. Duration of Meetings.

9.1 All meetings should have an agreed starting and cut off point; 19:15hrs to 21.00hrs is the agreed period currently. Any changes must be agreed by the majority of the steering group who are to attend the meeting concerned.

9.2 Agenda items not covered during the meeting must be included on the next agenda in priority order for discussion.


10. Changes

10.1 Any changes to these procedures can only take place by a majority vote of the voting members of the organisation Steering Group.

Date: 21/02/2022

Signature: ____________________________________________

Chairperson Luton Community Watch

Luton Community Watch

Lewsey Community Centre.

Landrace Road,




United Kingdom



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Any personal views expressed in articles are not necessarily the views of Luton Community Watch 

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